Sexual Assault

The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault. It is the central after hours coordination centre for all recent sexual assaults and provides immediate crisis responses throughout Victoria.
24 hour crisis line: 1800 806 292

The Victorian CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) Forum is the peak body of the 15 Centres Against Sexual Assault, and the Victorian Sexual Assault Crisis Line (after hours). Together we work to ensure that women, children and men who are victim/survivors of sexual assault have access to comprehensive and timely support and intervention to address their needs.
Eating Disorders

The Butterfly Foundation provides support foe eating disorders and body image issues. We believe everyone’s experience of an eating disorder or body image issue is unique and access to effective services is essential.
Phone: 1800 334 673

Eating Disorders Victoria support Victorians affected by eating disorders. We’re here for guidance and support at every stage of the journey, from discovery to recovery.
Phone: 1300 550 236
STIs and Unplanned Pregnancy

Family Planning Victoria promotes reproductive and sexual health for all Victorians through our clinics, education and advocacy.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre is a leader in managing and preventing sexually transmitted infections. Our mission is to maximise sexual health through excellence in education, clinical care and research.

Pronto! is a peer-led service offering free rapid HIV testing as well as STI testing for men who have sex with other men in a safe, confidential, and comfortable setting.
Mindfulness and Stress Management

Smiling Mind is a non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into your life.

The University of Melbourne Counselling Service offers free workshops on a range of personal development, and mental health + wellbeing issues each semester. Mental Health First Aid and other training programs are also available for both students and staff.

Future Learn offers an online “mindfulness for wellbeing and peak performance” workshop which offers mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing and work/study performance.