Health and Wellbeing Practitioners

The health and wellbeing practitioners offer free support services to University of Melbourne students currently enrolled within the Melbourne Medical School. The service can be accessed for a range of purposes, from discussing strategies to stay well over stressful study periods, referral to other support providers, to concerns regarding bullying or harassment in the medicine environment.

More information can be found about general health and wellbeing by clicking on this link

Hannah Sloan
Ph: 0428 933 952
E:  [email protected]

Danielle Clayman
Ph: +4 66 474 547
E:  [email protected]

Lisa Power
Ph: 0435 588 863
E:  [email protected]

Indigenous Primary Health Practitioners:

Cathy Garlett
Ph: 0468 713 864
E: [email protected]

Alice Pettit
Ph: 0401 119 994
E: [email protected]