There are a broad range of organisations and committees affiliated with UMMSS, involving both academic and extra-curricular activities.
AHHSA (Australian Holistic Health Student Association) is a health interest group dedicated to integrate various health disciplines, systems and practices in order to facilitate the development of holistic health professionals and enable better patient-centred care.
CSM (The Cancer Society of Melbourne University) is the a student-run not-for-profit organisation created to foster interest in both cancer research and clinical oncology while providing support to various cancer charities through fundraising initiatives.
DEA (Doctors for the Environment Australia) is an organisation of doctors who recognise that human health and wellbeing require an environment; free of pollution, capable of providing nutritious food, rich in biodiversity, and able to provide for current and future generations sustainably.
IPEP HSN (The University of Melbourne’s Interprofessional Education and Practice Health Students’ Network) is a network which brings together representatives from all health disciplines from within the University, as well as input from various disciplines from other Victorian universities.
MDACS (MD A Capella Society) is comprised of medical students from the University of Melbourne with a passion for singing and good tunes! Like our page to stay tuned for news and upcoming events.
MD-DEBS (MD Diverse Educational Backgrounds Society (MD-DEBS) is a student society at the University of Melbourne, which aims to welcome and support incoming MD1 students from non-traditional educational backgrounds and/or time away from study.
MDQueer is a GSA-affiliated group for University of Melbourne health students with an interest in LGBTIQ/queer health issues and the medical profession.
Medfem is a female and non-binary collective for University of Melbourne MD students. We aim to improve the wellbeing of female and gender diverse medical students, doctors, and the population at large by holding regular networking and educational events, sharing resources, and advocating for change
Medleys the Med Revue is the longest running revue on campus. Each year, a group of (mostly) medical students puts on a show, part sketch comedy and part musical, all written and performed by the cast.
Med Moves is an exciting group run for Melbourne University graduate students interested in dance. We provide classes tailored for beginners, and offer an opportunity to try different dance genres.
Moovin’ Health is a Rural Health Club run by the students at the University of Melbourne Rural Clinical School. We are a diverse club that aims to strengthen ties between medical and allied health students and our local communities while promoting opportunities in rural health.
MUMPS (Melbourne Uni Medics Paediatric Society) is a paediatric special interest group dedicated to imparting knowledge and skills, fostering passion, and allowing for sharing of information about learning opportunities in paediatrics, for all students at the Melbourne Medical School.
OCULUS is a student run group for students interested in ophthalmology. We aim to unfold the world of ophthalmology in a coherent and simple manner, and unravel the complexity of the human eye with the goal of expanding student interest, engagement and awareness in an important and prevalent medical issue in our society.
Outlook is a multidisciplinary student organisation committed to raising awareness of the health needs of regional, rural and remote Australia.
PSI (Psychiatry Students’ Interest Society) aims to promote student appreciation of psychiatry and connect like-minded students and professionals.

RASS (Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society) is open to all students who are interested in the field of plastic surgery. Through seminars and workshops, we aim to broaden students’ perspectives on plastic surgery and establish mentorship between aspiring students and clinicians.
SOMA (Students in Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal Academia) brings together students from different locations, and even different institutions, who are interested in all aspects of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic academia.
SSSM (The Surgical Students Society of Melbourne) endeavours to foster the interest of medical students in surgery by providing educational and research opportunities, and to represent aspiring surgeons in establishing professional links with surgeons and surgical societies.

UMIDS (University of Melbourne Infectious Disease Society) is run by a group of medical students who are passionate about fighting infectious disease. We are here to inspire interest in infectious disease; from academic support to our regular journal club meetings. We aim to support our health advocates so they are better able to empower communities in the fight against infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.
WMSS (The Wilderness Medicine Students’ Society) is a group for medical students with a passion for the outdoors and expedition medicine