Robotic Surgery Night – St Vincent’s Academy of Surgeons

St Vincent’s Academy of Surgeons presents: Robotic Surgery Night

Interested in robotic surgery? Join us for the first major event of the year led by St Vincent’s Academy of Surgeons on Thursday 24th February. Hear from renowned surgeons about robotic surgery in different surgical specialties and how it is going to change the future of surgery!

Register for the event to get the opportunity to hear from some amazing speakers.

Keynote speakers:
– Dr James Keck, Chair of St Vincent’s Senior Medical Staff, Head of Colorectal Unit
– Professor Erol Harvey, CEO of Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery

Robotic surgery demonstration from different specialties:
– Urology – Associate Professor Lih-Ming Wong
– Thoracic surgery – Associate Professor Gavin Wright
– Neurosurgery – Dr Ian Wang

Date and time: Thursday 24th February 2022, 6-8pm

Please register with your full name and your university email to receive a zoom link:

The event is finished.


Feb 24 2022


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


UMMSS and External Groups Calendar